Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Baskin Robbins

So recently I got a job at a Megaplex theater

It's brand new, and so far it's really fun! I work as an usher, and I clean the theater.
And that's not all, but for every shift I go and get MY OWN BROOM AND DUSTPAN

It kind of looks like a broom in Harry Potter but super small
I think I might become a bit attached, not as much as this guy:

But attached.

Anyway, I didn't come to talk about this job, I just started
I am going to talk about when I worked at Baskin Robbins

I loved this job, and I had SO MANY SAMPLES OF ALL THE ICE CREAM
It was the best. It definitely has influenced my thoughts on good ice cream (the cheap ones don't taste that good anymore...)

The only reason I quit was because I was in my first semester of uni and I had taken too many credits. I wasn't able to handle both very well...

So I quit and dragged myself through the rest of the semester retaining only a bit of my sanity (as if there was any to begin with ;))

So in Baskin Robbins we have this iPad bolted to the counter and it has a checklist of things that need to be done.

Each employee has a four digit code assigned to them and when they finish something they check it off with their code and get points, which goes to their bonus

And all the employees are either girls, or gay dudes.

I'm not joking
I have only seen one straight guy, and he didn't stay for long.

One day one of the gay dudes, Will, finished one of the things on the checklist, Jeff (straight) was checking stuff off, so he was going to do it for Will while he was on there.

So this happened:

Again, he wasn't there for long.

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